Praca Eversis

Znaleziono 11 ofert pracy
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QA Lead/Software Tester


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Manager / QA Testers


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Engineer - Lead


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Manager / QA Testers


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Tester Lead


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Tester Lead


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Lead/Software Tester


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Engineer - Lead


technologies-expected : Jira QA experience English Polish about-project : We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you are organized and perceptive in your work, then join us! :) QA manager Agile management: Jira Reporting test results Helpdesk support Documentation review...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
2 godziny temu

QA Manager - Tester manualny


technologies-expected : - Jira - Confluence - Issue tracking - QA experience - English - Attention to detail - Communication skills - Polish technologies-optional : - Postman - cURL - Automation - ISTQB foundation about-project : - We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
18 minut temu

WordPress Web / PHP Developer


technologies-expected : - WordPress - PHP - HTML - CSS - JavaScript - Elementor - MySQL - Git about-project : - Poszukujemy Wodpress Web / PHP Developera, który freelancersko wesprze nas w projekcie na około 3-4 miesiące. Jeśli pasjonuje Cię programowanie, a do tego masz ponad 3 lata doświadczenia w PHP, a w Wordpressie swobodnie tworzysz pluginy i skórki i niestraszna Ci praca w pojedynkę -...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
18 minut temu

QA Manager - Tester manualny


technologies-expected : - Jira - Confluence - Issue tracking - QA experience - English - Attention to detail - Communication skills - Polish technologies-optional : - Postman - cURL - Automation - ISTQB foundation about-project : - We are looking for a QA person who has experience in manual testing. If your English is at a communicative level, you know what Jira and Confluence are, and you...

Zobacz zarobki & Więcej info
18 minut temu

W naszej bazie Jobsora znajduje się obecnie 11 ofert pracy Eversis. W wynikach można znaleźć oferty pracy z wielu firm i wybrać najlepszą dla siebie propozycję.

Jobsora codziennie skanuje i wybiera dla Ciebie miliony najlepszych ofert pracy na całym świecie. Korzystając z naszego wygodnego systemu filtrów, możesz znaleźć najlepsze oferty pracy Eversis blisko siebie — tutaj znajdziesz opcję filtrowania według wynagrodzenia, doświadczenia, grafiku pracy itp.
